Knowing God
One of the wonderful things about the Christian faith is the opportunity to establish a relationship with God through Christ Jesus. Each worship service and Bible study is designed to help the Christian know God personally. The preaching from the pulpit of Blvd Baptist combined with the discipleship ministry will help you develop your relationship with our great God.
Growing Together
We believe the church should be a constant source of growth in the life of every Christian. You can experience spiritual growth at Blvd Baptist through our various Bible classes, our Wednesdays in the Word Bible study, and many other fellowship opportunities. Our desire is to see every Christian faithfully growing in their walk with God through the fellowship of the local church.
Showing Others
The result of spiritual growth is a desire to share the Gospel with others. One of the last commands Christ gave His disciples was to take the Gospel to the whole world. We encourage our members to share the Gospel through our weekly outreach and ministry opportunities, outreach events, and our world-wide missions giving. We believe serving others and sharing the Gospel should be the primary focus of the church and its members
Our Mission Statement:
Our purpose as a local church is to spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ at home and abroad. It is our desire that BBC make a positive impact on our community and the families that make up this local congregation. We do this by the preaching and teaching of God's Word. Training our people from a Biblical world view. Providing activies for all ages.